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March Newsletter - Circadian rhythms and metabolism

An osteopath is taught that Nature is to be trusted to the end.  – A.T. Still MD, DO


Circadian rhythms and metabolism: from the brain to the gut and back again We are all gaining a better understanding of how what we eat and how we move affects our health and metabolism. Another very important piece to the puzzle that isn't getting the same amount of attention is circadian biology. Circadian rhythms occur in almost all species and control vital aspects of our physiology, from sleeping and waking to neurotransmitter secretion and cellular metabolism.   Ingrained in our modern life-style is the flexibility to eat, sleep, socialize, and exercise around the clock, yet these allowances correlate with rising metabolic disorders and obesity. Feeding that follows a typical pattern of daytime eating for diurnal organisms or nighttime eating for nocturnal organisms seems to be important for metabolic homeostasis. To optimize your health, it’s important to pay attention to and honor ancient patterns of waking, sleeping and eating - Sleeping less than six hours a night dramatically increases your risk of insulin resistance, which is at the core of most chronic diseases - Meal timing has a significant impact on your circadian rhythm. Many organs need between 12 and 16 hours of rest, meaning a minimum of 12 hours without food, to allow for repair - Adequate exposure to natural light cycles and minimising artificial light exposure (especially from devices) that is out of sync with natural cycles (minimise exposure after dark) helps keep our circadian rhythm entrained to the earth's light/dark cycle.

Craig & Alison Milton Osteopathic Clinic  4454 4995


📷 Cardiometabolic benefits of garlic, from Emma the Naturopath The health hazards of obesity and obesity- related cardio metabolic disease presents a national health crisis for Australia. One Australian dies from cardio metabolic disease every 12 minutes. In 2013, 30% of all Australian deaths were because of cardiovascular disease alone - many of which may have been preventable with effective lifestyle and dietary changes, and accurately prescribed herbal medicine.

Cardiometabolic disease is a cluster of pathophysiological changes in the cardiovascular system and metabolism, and includes insulin resistance, sustained high blood sugar levels, raised cholesterol and triglycerides, and high blood pressure. It is crucial to address overweight and obesity, which play a big role in initiating and maintaining this problem, and place a huge burden on the heart also.

However, there are many powerful and time honoured herbal and nutritional interventions that can be employed to address the underlying drivers of cardio metabolic disease and modify its progression. The humble garlic bulb is one such herb. Crushed garlic has a distinctive and recognisable smell. This is the distinctive smell of allicin release, the important active, but very fragile component of garlic. It is this component that yields Garlic's therapeutic benefits, with Garlics main actions as hypocholesterolaemic (cholesterol reducing), hypotensive (blood pressure lowering), and anitplatelet (decreasing platelet aggregation and so modifying the progression of atherosclerosis which can lead to heart attack and stroke). Garlic has also demonstrated vascular protective effects as the body ages.  Call 0490 255 792 to book your appointment with Emma.


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